This page lists information about upcoming and past events held by the Foothill College Astronomy Department.
Event Cancelled: Lunar Eclipse, March 13
Unfortunately, the weather forecast for tonight has only gotten worse over the past few days, and it is now clear that we won't be able to view the eclipse from the Foothill Observatory.
Upcoming events
Past events
2023, November 15 - Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series talk by Dr. Laura Schaefer
On November 15, at 7pm, in person at Foothill College Smithwick Theater, Dr. Laura Schaefer from Stanford University's Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences gave a free, illustrated, non-technical lecture titled "Water Above, Water Below, Water Within: The Many-faceted Role of Water in Planetary Habitability"
2023, October 21 - Observe the Moon Night
On Saturday, October 21, the Foothill Observatory opened from 6:45 pm to 10 pm as the Foothill Astronomy Department and the Peninsula Astronomical Society joined in with NASA's Observe the Moon Night.
2023,October 11 - Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series talk by Dr. Robert Jedicke
On October 11, at 7pm, in person at Foothill College Smithwick Theater, Dr. Robert Jedicke from the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy gave a free, illustrated, non-technical lecture titled "The Peril and Profit of Near-Earth Objects"
This event was held live at Smithwick Theater on the Foothill College campus, and is now posted at Youtube.
2023, June 21 - Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series talk by Dr. Eugene Chiang
On June 21, at 7pm, in person at Foothill College Smithwick Theater, Dr. Eugene Chiang, Astronomy Professor at the University of California at Berkeley, gave a free, illustrated, non-technical lecture titled "Earth to Earth, Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust - the Birth and Death of Worlds"
This event was held live at Smithwick Theater on the Foothill College campus, and is now posted at Youtube.
2023, May 10 - Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series talk by Andrew Fraknoi
On May 10, at 7pm, in person at Foothill College Smithwick Theater, astronomer Andrew Fraknoi, gave a free, illustrated, non-technical lecture titled "The Eclipse Double-Header: Two U.S. Eclipses of the Sun in 2023-2024"
This event was held live at Smithwick Theater on the Foothill College campus, and is now posted at Youtube.
2023, March 8 - Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series talk by Dr. Alex Filippenko
On March 8, at 7pm, in-person at Foothill College Smithwick Theater, Dr. Alex Filippenko, researcher at UC Berkeley, gave a free, illustrated, non-technical lecture titled "First Results from the James Webb Space Telescope"
This event was held live at Smithwick Theater on the Foothill College campus, and is now posted at Youtube.
2023, Feb. 8 - Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series talk by Dr. Steve Croft
On February 8, at 7pm, in person at Foothill College Smithwick Theater, Dr. Steve Croft, researcher at UC Berkeley and member of the Breakthrough Listen Project, will give a free, illustrated, non-technical lecture titled "Our Boldest Effort to Answer our Oldest Question: The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life Beyond Earth"
This event was live at Smithwick Theater, and is now posted at Youtube.
2023, Jan. 31 - Comet C/2022 E3 viewing
We have received many inquiries from the public about viewing comet C/2022 E3 (which has received the nickname "the Green Comet" in some media coverage). It is currently visible through telescopes and binoculars, though its rise and set time is rapidly changing as it zips past the Earth.
The comet's closest approach to Earth occurred at 9:55 a.m. PST on February 1. Therefore, we had a special viewing event at the Foothill Observatory on Tuesday, January 31st.
The comet will also be above the horizon during the Friday night viewings at Foothill Observatory from January 27 through February 24. However, it is fading fast and may not be visible through our telescope past February 3.
These events are free and open to the public, and we ask that people entering the observatory wear masks (with masks available in case you forget yours).

We're Here to Help!
David Marasco, Dept. Chair
Office Room 4405