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OU Campus Training

Writing for the Web

Always Consider Your Audience!

Keep it Simple and Think Mobile First! What content would you create if you were designing for a smart phone?

Remember, the new Foothill website is responsive for different device sizes and orientation (portrait or landscape).

Check out your website on these different devices:

  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Phone

Google Writing for the Web and you will find a lot of websites with tips.

Here are some that I would recommend.

Articles of special interest

  • Phone numbers: Use periods between the numbers. Example: 650.864.5400
  • Email: Use the full email address. EXAMPLE: Email and
  • Dates: Jan. 12, 2013 (abbreviate months except for March, April, May, June and July) and spell out full month if only year - January 2013.
  • Times: Use periods with a.m. or p.m. (not AM or PM)

Best Practices

  • Ask: Who is the audience?
  • Is your page formatted in a way that is easy to read for key concepts, using short paragraphs, bullet points and subheadings?
  • Did you stay with the default settings for your main content paragraphs? – Black text on white is easiest to read.
  • Do you link to other pages within your Web site whenever appropriate?
  • Should you create a new separate page for a particular concept/section on a page?
  • Use images to highlight the information.
  • Provide information signs
  • Create link labels that reflect the page being linked to






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We're Here to Help!

Web Team


Business Building 1, Foothill
