Tenure Review
Tenure Review
Welcome to the Tenure Review web page, a resource for Tenure Review Committee members and probationary faculty.
Celebration for Tenure Completion
Congratulations to our Foothill College faculty who received tenure in winter 2024.
The Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees grant tenure each year to Foothill faculty members who successfully complete a rigorous, four-year review process. They are then re-employed as tenured faculty for the following and subsequent academic years.
- Cynthia Brannvall, Art History; Fine Arts and Communication
- Julie Jenkins, Anthropology, Global Studies; Business and Social Sciences
- Ana Maravilla, Counseling, Disability Resource Center
- Mayra Palmerin-Aguilera, Counseling, Disability Resource Center
- Amy Sarver, ESLL, Language Arts
- Melissa Wu, Radiologic Technology
Tenure Committee Service
Faculty wishing to serve on a Tenure Review Committee must complete two trainings:
- Tenure Review Committee training
- J1 Training
- Training sessions are offered on Foothill Opening Day prior to the start of Fall Quarter and are usually available other times during the academic year.
- After completing training, faculty volunteering for Tenure Review service must be confirmed by the Academic Senate.
Tenure Review "Core" Committee
The Tenure Review “Core” Committee consists of three members:
- The dean (or other appropriate administrator) of the tenure candidate's division
- Two faculty nominated by division faculty and approved by the Academic Senate
The Core Committee elects one of its members to serve as the committee chair.
During Phases I and II, the Core Committee is augmented by the affiliated Vice President and an at-large tenured faculty from outside the division appointed by the Academic Senate
The Vice President may act as a consultant during Phase III.
Earning PGA or PAA
For each of the three phases of tenure review, faculty receive PGA or PAA credit if all the evaluation duties delegated to him or her are satisfactorily completed.
- Faculty who serve as a department/program/division or as the at-large representative receive one unit (quarter system) of professional growth activity (PGA).
- Faculty who serve as the Committee chair receive two units.
Faculty applying for PGA or PAA record these units on Appendix O3 of the FHDA/FA Agreement found at fafhda.org/.
Tenure Review Process
The Tenure Review process is governed by two documents:
- Article 6A of the FHDA/FA
Please see: Update May 27, 2020 Agreement Article 6 MOU for Tenure Process due to COVID19 and the move to online education - Tenure Review Handbook, which expands and codifies the language of Article 6A (see current copy below)
Tenure Review Committee members and probationary faculty are encouraged to become familiar with both documents.
Additional information and samples are available in the Tenure Review Supplemental Packet, written by the Foothill Tenure Review Orientation Group (Tenure Review Coordinator, Academic Senate President, FA representative).
Topics covered include resources for candidates, critical areas of the process, phase overviews and final reports, evaluation procedures (for both the J1 Administrative/Peer Evaluation and the J2 Student Evaluation), academic freedom and cultural competence.
Guiding Tenure Review Handbooks
You'll find handbooks for 2022-2025, 2019-2022, and 2016-2019 below.

Please Ask Me!
Natalia Menendez, Tenure Review Coordinator
Office: 6037