Foothill College Promise Expands to Two Years of Free Tuition and Textbooks
Foothill College has expanded its Foothill College Promise. The program now offers two years of free college tuition and textbooks to any first-time, full-time student — regardless of income level. Additionally, eligible students in Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) may also receive up to $750 toward a laptop.
The Foothill College Promise covers the costs of students' tuition and fees for two full academic years (fall, winter and spring quarters). All students will have access to Foothill's supportive services, including counseling, tutoring, the food pantry, and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority SmartPass to ride the bus and light rail (unlimited) each quarter.
"Because of the high quality of education and its low cost, Foothill College has always been an extraordinary bargain. However, we recognize that the cost of college includes expenses such as textbooks and transportation," said Foothill College President Thuy Thi Nguyen. "For that reason, our Foothill College Promise will cover all textbook costs and provide free public transportation to all students, regardless of income."
The two-year Foothill College Promise is open to students beginning this fall quarter. Classes start Monday, Sept. 23. To be considered for the program, students must have never attended college, completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid or California Dream Act Application, and enroll in and maintain a minimum of 12 units. First-time college students taking at least 12 units online are also eligible for the Foothill College Promise. Students who received their first year tuition free at another California Community College are eligible to receive the second year free at Foothill.
Funding for the Foothill College Promise comes from the state implementation of AB 19, which created the California College Promise and allows colleges to offer tuition free for first-time, full-time students.
For more information on the program, including steps to apply, visit the Foothill College Promise website.
For more information:
Vanessa Smith, smithvanessa@fhda.edu
Supervisor, Marketing & Public Relations
Foothill College
12345 El Monte Rd.
Los Altos Hills, CA