Middle College
A Unique High School Experience
Foothill Middle College is a nontraditional high school program that allows students to take both high school and Foothill College courses for high school graduation credit while building a college transcript.
The Middle College program targets bright, college-bound students who may not be performing up to their full potential, or students who are ready for a change from the traditional high school environment.
Foothill College hosts two distinct Middle College experiences on our main campus in Los Altos Hills.
Mountain View Los Altos (MVLA) Middle College
This program is for Mountain View and Los Altos students within MVLAUSD.
More about MVLA Middle ColleGe and how to apply
Palo Alto Middle College (PAMC) High School
This program is for Palo Alto students within PAUSD.

We're Here to Help!
MLVA Middle College
Bldg 5700, Room 5702