About the Program
Geography serves as an excellent undergraduate major. We offer both an associate of science and associate for transfer degree in geography.
Geographers study and interact with both the physical and social sciences in their quest to better understand the world around us.
In our program, you'll study natural formations, such as mountain ranges and deserts, as well as manmade environments of cities and transportation networks.
We also offer a degree and certificate program in Geographic Information Systems Technology — one of the top emerging industries in the 21st century according to the US Department of Labor.
Department Statement of Equity
The faculty in the department of Geography & Geospatial Technology promote a classroom environment of equity and inclusion. We are committed to teaching through an antiracist lens that empowers students to explore and analyze the underlying causes of racial injustice in our world and take action for equity and positive change. We are committed to providing our students a learning experience free of racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry while maintaining open lines of communication that provide a safe space for students to seek support.
The fields of Geography and Geospatial Technology provide data-driven evidence of racial and socioeconomic disparities through maps. These maps can be used as vehicles to drive change through shared information. Geography can be used to examine the cultural, historic and physical characteristics of divisions in our society and strives for equity through understanding and addressing the underlying causes of these divisions. Geospatial Technology is a suite of tools that empowers people to examine and share, via multimedia, patterns of inequity and advocate for change.
The faculty and students of Geography and Geospatial Technology programs include diverse racial and ethnic identities, nationalities, immigration status, gender expressions, socio-economic backgrounds, religions, ages and health conditions. Our students come from various life experiences and have different needs. The department faculty strive to include diverse voices and perspectives and provide every student with the resources, guidance and support that they need to ensure their success not only in the classroom but in the world beyond.
Geospatial equity resources
Career Opportunities
City, county, and state governments are hiring geographers in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), urban planning, and environmental studies because of their broad training.
The national mapping division of the United States Geological Survey traditionally needs geographers in map making and its related job openings such as photo-interpretation, satellite image analysis, land use and land cover mapping.
In addition, the analytical skills gained through a geography major provide a strong foundation for graduate study in law, urban planning and architecture.
Geographers with advanced degrees are also in demand in colleges and universities around the world. Students should enhance their major with a strong array of courses in the international arena, statistics, physical sciences, computer science, and basic business principles.
What can you do with a degree in geography?
- Cartographer
- Commercial/residential surveyor
- Environmental consultant
- Geographical information systems officer
- Planning and development surveyor
- Secondary school teacher
Degree & Program Types
View list below for programs offered at Foothill. Then select program map for a possible schedule that fulfills program and college requirements.
For program requirements and full course listings, view degrees and certificates information.
Associate in Art for Transfer |
Associate in Science for Transfer |
See our course catalog for detailed descriptions.
See schedule of classes for courses offered this and upcoming term.
All courses will be offered online until further notice
GEOG 1 Physical Geography (5 units) Fall, Winter, Spring , Summer
GEOG 2 Human Geography (4 units) Winter, Summer
GEOG 5 Introduction to Economic Geography (4 units) Fall
GEOG 10 World Regional Geography (4 units) Spring
GEOG 11 Introduction to Mapping & Spatial Reasoning (4 units) Fall, Winter

We're Here to Help!
Geography Department
RM 3020, Main Campus
Division Office Contacts
Aaron Korngiebel, Division Dean Email: korngiebelaaron@fhda.edu |
Business & Social Sciences Division |