Family Engagement Institute
An Important Message
Given the recent recommendations from the County of Santa Clara, Foothill College has moved all instruction and student services to virtual formats. All student services are accessible online and available through virtual appointments. Staff are also checking their email and phone messages on a regular basis.
During these times, it is important to remain calm, stay informed, and identify resources / support systems. For guidance, visit these webpages:
Virtual Campus Student Communication
Virtual Campus Student Support
The Family Engagement Institute will continue to provide services and support to our students and partners as we stay connected in these virtual times!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Please stay safe and well.
Family Engagement Institute Impact Report
Click Here to Access FEI's Impact Report
About Our Program
Family Engagement Institute (FEI) has been a leader in responding, developing and delivering affordable, accessible, programs to address the needs and elevate the voice of our underserved community since 2010. As a cradle-to-career, grant funded, student equity initiative at Foothill College, FEI’s mission is to provide opportunities that promote college going aspirations for all, especially racially, culturally, and linguistically diverse students and families, to collectively ensure thriving and inclusive communities.
All families dream about raising healthy, successful children, but not all families have equal access to the systems of support that turn the dream into reality.
- Family Engagement Institute, Foothill College
FEI serves as a college bridge program where families and educators together grow the skills, tools, and agency to successfully navigate educational systems and build capacity to promote family engagement, school and workforce readiness, and pathways to postsecondary education.
FEI’s relationship with the College, an open access institution of higher education, is unique and supports a Multi-Generational –Pathway to College. Recipient of the John W. Rice Diversity and Equity Award, FEI works in multiple Preschool-12 grade districts and priority schools serving our most vulnerable students throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties and has delivered culturally responsive Dual Capacity Family Engagement programs to more than 7000 parents/caregivers; provided professional development to over 1600 educators; prepared more than 800 children to be school-ready; and mentored over 250 first generation college bound youth in Silicon Valley. The majority of FEI families served are Immigrant and Latino/a with limited educational attainment and Free and Reduced Priced Lunch (FRPL) income eligible.

We're Here to Help!
Family Engagement Institute
Student Resource Center, Building 5400 Room 5420