Online Voting System
Vaibhavi Kulkarni Candidate's Statement: Hello, I'm Vaibhavi a first-year Data Science student. I am currently a part of the ICC as a Marketing Agent and contributed to organizing Club Day for the spring quarter. I am also involved with my Foothill community through being a part of the Women's Badminton team, a tutor for Pass the Torch, a section leader for the CS 49 course, an officer of the Women in STEM club, and last but not least, I am also a Research Reporter for the Principia magazine. I would be honored, if given the opportunity, to serve the Foothill student body as the VP of Administration.
Hannah Shong Candidate's Statement: Hi, I'm Hannah! Serving as President of the Foothill Book Club, ICC Representative, PTT tutor, and part of the Honor's Institute this year has allowed me to understand the importance of community, self-advocacy, and support at Foothill. My aim is to ensure that all resources - whether it's clubs, events, programs, or the Owl Cards - are easily accessible for your benefit, so that YOU have the infrastructure and opportunity necessary to find your community and personal success here. Vote for me as VP of Administration, and I'll work alongside ASFC officers to make your voices heard and these commitments a reality.
Jolina Rodriguez Candidate's Statement: Hello, my name is Jolina Rodriguez and I am running to be your Vice President of Administration. I am serving the Foothill Community as a Student Ambassador at the Owls Nest and ASFC Welcome Center. I have experience in leadership, public speaking, accounting, and customer service. Knowing how crucial a welcoming and supporting campus community is, I will improve campus resources, improve administrative procedures, and support programs that cater to the needs of fellow students. I'll see to it that my fellow ASFC members have access to resources so that we may achieve all of our goals.
Caitlin Sredanovich Candidate's Statement: My name is Caitlin Sredanovich and I am running for VP of Administration! I am currently a Business Administration major and working on transferring. In my role as VP of Administration, I will make sure to listen to student voices and recommend ASFC Campus Council policies to effectively implement, develop and coordinate ASFC activities and programs. I want to make Foothill College a more open and easily accessible place for new and current students. By expressing my voice, I hope to improve Foothill to the best of my abilities, and bring happiness and enjoyment to the school year.
Mokshitaa Dhamotharan Candidate's Statement: Hello! My name is Mokshi Dhamotharan. I'm currently a first-year biology major at Foothill. Since first quarter, I've been involved with clubs on campus and this has had a positive impact on my experiences at this college in fostering an engaging environment for me. This inspired me to become more involved during my next year here by running for this position. I want to promote a further sense of community on campus and make it more accessible for students to get involved with all of the events that take place and be able to voice the opinions of the students.
Election: ASFC VP of Administration
Candidate Ballot Category: Executive Vice President
Select only one candidate