Campus food pantry receives donation
Foothill College students are receiving support from on and off-campus resources to
help them achieve their goals.
A generous donation of $10,000 was given to the campus food pantry to help students
experiencing food insecurity.
With donation funds, Student Affairs can continue its partnership with Whole Foods
and hire a student employee to assist with maintenance and processing.
“I can tell just by connecting with students who come in that this is something they
really need,” said Dean of Student Affairs & Activities Sean Bogle. “[Students] are
coming here to take food home to potentially prepare a meal for themselves or their
family using a week’s worth of groceries.”
Bogle said the food pantry provides more than food to students. Since the partnership
with Whole Foods, students are able to receive nutritious food to fuel them for their
studies. Since spring Whole Foods delivers fresh produce, dairy products, and other
food staples to the pantry on a weekly basis.
Last year the pantry was able to purchase a large refrigerator with help from a state
grant. With it, the college is able to stock dairy products, freezer foods and produce.
According to Bogle, the results of a survey conducted last year showed 1 in 3 students
at Foothill identifies as food insecure.
“We have to do something to help,” Bogle said.
According to Bogle, students visiting the food pantry are taking home approximately
$11 worth of food home.
“We’d love for them to get $30 worth and more of food per week,” he said, adding community
support really helps students experiencing food insecurity.
Bogle added Foothill’s food pantry accepts food and toiletry donations brought to
the college. He said if pick-up from an off-campus location is needed, he can make
“We’re not turning anything down,” Bogle said.
Students experiencing food insecurity are encouraged to visit the Students Affairs
Office in Room 2002 for assistance or visit foothill.edu/foodpantry.
To make a donation, visit foundation.fhda.edu.