Humanities Mellon Scholars
Guaranteed Admission to USF
What happens after I transfer from Foothill?
The Humanities Mellon Scholar Program covers your time at Foothill College and guarantees your admission to the University of San Francisco (USF) provided you meet eligibility requirements.
Should you decide to transfer to a university other than USF, your affiliation with the program ends.
If USF is your transfer destination, you will be eligible for up to $20,000 in scholarship in addition to any other financial aid you may receive
Humanities Mellon Scholars at USF are also eligible for
- research assistant positions (up to $2,500 per year)
- paid summer internships
- paid course materials (up to $150/semester)
- conference travel funds
- one on one mentorship/advising
- a special Humanities Mellon Scholars graduation ceremony
More Information
For further information, please email USF directly at mellonscholars@usfca.edu or click here to go to their Mellon Scholar website

Please contact us!
Humanities Mellon Scholars Program Director