Magical Bridge Playground
Bringing More Magic to Foothill
Imagine an innovative and truly inclusive playground, where all children, families
and community members — of all ages, sizes and abilities — feel welcome to have fun,
exercise, and be together in community.
Through our partnership with the Magical Bridge Foundation, we propose to build such a playground here at Foothill College, serving Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and the whole of Silicon Valley, given easy access to our location on El Monte Road from Hwy 280.
The Call for A More Inclusive Playground in Los Altos
In 2018, the 3rd-grade class from Loyola Elementary School in Los Altos was studing empathy and realized that a classmate in a wheelchair cold not enjoy the same types of play as the rest of the class. The students concluded that they needed an all-inclusive playground and made a presentation to the Los Altos City Council.
This was after the first Magical Bridge playground opened in nearby Palo Alto in 2015—through the leadership, vision and love of a mother with two children with very different needs. That mother, Olenka Villarreal, is now CEO and founder of the Magical Bridge Foundation. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that advocates for, designs and builds playgrounds throughout the Bay Area and worldwide, creating outdoor spaces that welcome everyone, at every stage of life.
In summer 2022, Foothill Interim President Bernadine Fong invited Villarreal and three of the Loyola students, now entering the 8th grade, to meet to find out how Foothill could help with their Magical Bridge dream.
Proposed Playground Location
Located on 122 acres in Los Altos Hills, Foothill College includes pockets of property that are not contiguous to the campus proper, and, therefore, not readily usable for classroom buildings or parking. However, we can designate that space to build a truly accessible playground and provide parking for that purpose.
Foothilll proposes to build the playground in what is now Student Lot 1H, which is a largely under-utilized lot but easily accessible to the public and near restrooms, as well as near our Athletics outdoor stadium.
The Mission of Magical Bridge
We believe that everyone, regardless of ability or disability, deserves a safe and fun place to play and connect. Through our innovative design and programs, we promote kindness and multi-generational play that builds more inclusive communities.
What Makes a Magical Bridge So Magical?
Visit any Magical Bridge playground throughout the Bay Area, including Redwood City, Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara and Morgan Hill, and you'll see the recreational play opportunities for all.
A Partnership to Benefit All
Help Us Get There!
With extensive financial support from the community, Foothill College has the opportunity to make the vision of these third graders a reality. Please help bring Magical Bridge Playground to Foothill.
- For more information, please email Bernadine Fong at fongbernadine@fhda.edu.
- For more information on Magical Bridge Playgrounds, visit magicalbridge.org.

Please Contact Us!
Dr. Bernadine Chuck Fong, Interim President
Administration Building 1900