Return to Campus Council
RTCC Overview
Meeting Information
Overall Purpose
- The Return to Campus Council (formerly known as the 5th Council) with independent authority to recommend directly to the College President (versus a study group that would report to R&R Council)
- Ends December 2021 (or earlier, if COVID-19 emergency is officially declared to end)
Charge of the New Council
- Provide policy direction and feedback to the operational teams (that is, ex- officios) and the consultant (independent contractor or TEA) on overall direction of return-to-campus plan.
- Provide a planning framework (similar to the Continuity Plan) that could be mirrored or integrated as part of the return-to-campus plan.
- Recommend the final prioritization lists of classes, student services, and operations based on the recommendations from the appropriate groups (e.g. COVID Scheduling Task Force), and present these lists in a public meeting for public comment.
- Survey students and employees on return-to-campus needs that could be used to recommend prioritization (and/or utilizing existing survey data prepared by other groups such as the COVID Scheduling Task Force, facilities survey, student body survey, Administrative Council, and student services surveys).
- Deliberate on the final list to be submitted to the District for inclusion in the District-wide Return-to-Campus Plan.
- Be aware of federal, state, and county public-health guidelines
- Be aware of federal, state, and district/college budget for emergency/pandemic in order to prioritize funding for the return to campus.
- Send Governance Memos to the President with the council’s recommendation(s).
Overall Membership Composition
Three classified staff appointed by Classified Senate- Three full-time faculty and one adjunct faculty appointed by Academic Senate
- Three students appointed by ASFC
- Two administrators selected by the college president
Note: one or more of the members of the EOC should also serve on the District’s return-to-campus task force to ensure better coordination and communication flow.
Ex-officios / Staffing Operations
Partial Emergency Operation Command/Center structure informally activated.
- Vice President Bret Watson (and designated Finance/Facilities Division staff). VP Watson will serve on the District’s return-to-campus task force
- Executive Vice President Kristy Lisle (sub AVP Kurt Hueg) (and designated Instructional Deans and Counseling/DRC/Psych Services Deans) in working with the Scheduling Task Force
- Associate Vice President Laurie Scolari (and designated Student Services Division staff)
- FA and ACE rep for consultation on labor matters
- Outside consultant(s) hired to coordinate and write return-to-campus plan for the college, with the District.
Expertise Needed (to target recruitment)
- Student perspective
- For Academic Senate faculty reps: At least one representative from the COVID Scheduling Task Force and one AS officer
Time Commitment / Timeline
Group to be assembled by January 29, 2021, in anticipation of the District Return-to-Campus
Task Force, which is anticipated to start meeting in February.
General target time commitment:
- Council will most likely need to meet once a month or every other week for 60- 90 minutes in Winter/Spring Quarters to discuss data and information being gathered and then put together recommendations. Council will decide on frequency of meetings.
- Draft plan to be completed in time for implementation beginning in Summer 2021 (or as the date and criteria identified by District’s Return- to-Campus Task Force)
- Committee will continue to meet through summer/fall (on an as needed basis) to assess and revise plan as health and budget situations change
Responsibilities of Members
As the Council may decide, each member may need to meet with one of the groupings that is discussing return to campus. Takes notes to bring back to the council. It is anticipated that the ex-officios from the operational side will do so, but the Council may decide to still have Council members attend operational meetings also, including District Return-to-Campus Task Force and College Scheduling Task Force.- Reports back findings from meeting to council.
- Works with colleagues to draft recommendations to the college president.