Biological & Health Sciences
Prof. Shirley Treanor, Ed.D., M.S.
Director of Health Science
Biological and Health Sciences Division
Health Science
(650) 949-7619
Email: treanorshirley@foothill.edu
Foothill campus
Office Hours:
Vary each quarter.
I love teaching!
You can always contact Dr. Treanor by email at treanorshirley@foothill.edu
Course information:
I offer in person, hybrid, and online classes for Health 21 and Health 20. These are great classes and both meet GE for CSU and UC.
Health 20 is transferable as a General Education Requirement to the CSU in Area D7 and to the UC system IGETC GE Area 4G. It is currently approved as a Life Long Understanding GE requirement for Foothill College. Foothill College has a new transfer to CSU degree: Associates of Science in Public Health. HLTH 20 is a core requirement to earn this degree.
Health 21 transfers to CSU GE Area E and as an elective to the UCs. It is currently approved as a Life Long Understanding GE requirement for Foothill College. Foothill College has a new transfer to CSU degree: Associates of Science in Public Health. HLTH 21 is a core requirement to earn this degree for the Associates of Science in Public Health ADT.
Two other that are accepted toward the ADT in Public Health are ...
Health 22 Health and Social Justice 4 units
Approved: CSU GE and IGETC (Social Sciences)
Health 23 Drugs, Health and Society 4 units
Approved: CSU GE (Lifelong Understand) & IGETC (Elective)
Family, sailing, exercise, my dog/fish, painting, traveling, Grand Babies, and did I say family? :-)
Botanist, Biologist, Registered Respiratory Therapist, Perinatal Pediatric Specialist, Doctor of Education with a minor in Educational Computing, Director of Respiratory Care Program, Dean of Biological and Health Sciences Division, Vice President of Educational Resources and Instruction (finance, enrollment management, construction/bond oversight, audits, etc.), President/Vice President of the Faculty Academic Senate, College Curriculum CoChair, Professor of Health Science and Respiratory Care.
Personal Quote:
"Life isn't a matter of milestones but of moments" Rose Kennedy
Last update: 2023-12-18
Direct directory record link: