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Video Solutions

To Physics Problems


What are these?
These are videos taken of a tablet PC screen while a physics instructor solves typical end of chapter physics problems. The video captures everything written on the screen and the intructors voice, but you can't see them. It is similar to an instructor working a problem on the board in the classroom (only better).
What level of physics are they for?
These videos whould be appropriate for any introductory physics class that requires problem solving (trig and/or calculus). Most can be used by both calculus and non-calculus based classes. If calculus is required in the solution, it is noted in problem, so you can skip that problem if it does not apply to you.
How do I use them?
Always attempt the problem first. If you get stuck, start watching the video. You can access the videos anytime you need them, fast forward to the part you need, and watch a section over and over. Stop the video when you are "un-stuck" and continue the problem on your own. The problems are in the pdf files and are available to print out or download.

The Problems
(Here in pdf format to print or download)

General Instructions for Using these Problems and Video Solutions

Links to Additional Resources (video lectures and simulations)
Electricity & Magnetism Problems Thermodynamics, Optics, & Mechanical Wave Problems

The Video Solutions
Electricity & Magnetism Videos Thermodynamics, Optics, & Mechanical Wave Videos

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