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Communication Studies

Degrees & Certificates

Communication Studies Website | Fine Arts and Communication Division

Associate Degree for Transfer-Communication Studies 2020-2021


Communication Studies examines how people use messages to generate meanings within and across various contexts, cultures, channels and media. As an interdisciplinary field, coursework in communication also includes contributions of the social sciences, humanities, philosophy and cultural studies. Some of the topics explored in this field include rhetoric and public address, debate, gender differences, interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, the art of effective persuasion, leadership and professional skills, group interaction and decision-making and forensic speech. This degree provides excellent preparation for careers in the fields of mass media, human resources, business, government, social services, and/or education in such areas as teaching, consulting, law, broadcast announcing, public relations or any field in which communication skills are highly relevant.

The Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer degree prepares students for transfer to California State Universities (CSUs). Students who complete the Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer degree will be ensured preferential transfer status to CSUs for communication studies majors and majors in related disciplines. The Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer degree requirements will fulfill the lower division major requirements at many CSUs. Students are advised, however, to meet with a counselor to assess the course requirements for specific CSUs.

Program Learning Outcomes:

-Students will be able to identify patterns of communication in a variety of contexts.
-Students will be able to utilize appropriate methods of communication in critical thinking and/or communication situations.

Units Required

  • Major: 29-30

Degree Requirements:

Associate in Arts in Communication Studies for Transfer requires completion of a minimum of 90 units to include:
-CSU General Education Breadth Requirements or the *Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) (49-58 units) (full certification is required)
-Core and support courses (29-30 units, of which 18 units may satisfy the GE requirement)
-Transferable electives necessary to meet the 90-unit minimum requirement

NOTE: All courses pertaining to the major must be completed with a grade of "C" (or "P") or better. In addition, the student must obtain a minimum GPA of 2.0.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Although it is possible to fulfill the requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer by completing the IGETC for UC pattern, admission to CSU requires completion of an Oral Communication course (IGETC Area 1C; CSU GE Area A-1); therefore, students who plan to transfer to CSU should complete this course as part of their GE or elective units.

Core Courses (5 units)

COMM 1A Public Speaking (5 units)
or COMM 1AH Honors Public Speaking (5 units)

Support Courses (24-25 units)

Complete TWO courses from List A:
List A:
COMM 1B Argumentation & Persuasion (5 units)
or COMM 1BH Honors Argumentation & Persuasion (5 units)
COMM 2 Interpersonal Communication (5 units)
COMM 4 Group Discussion (5 units)

And complete TWO courses from List B (or any course from List A not used above):
List B:
COMM 3 Introduction to Communication Studies (5 units)
COMM 5 Mass Communication (5 units)
COMM 12 Intercultural Communication (5 units)

And complete ONE course from List C (or any course from List A or B not used above):
List C:
ANTH 2A Cultural Anthropology (4 units)
or ANTH 2AH Honors Cultural Anthropology (4 units)
COMM 10 Gender, Communication & Culture (5 units)
or COMM 55 Career & Leadership Communication in the Global Workplace (5 units)
ENGL 16 Introduction to Literature (4 units)
JRNL 22A Introduction to Reporting & Newswriting (5 units)
PSYC 1 General Psychology (5 units)
or PSYC 1H Honors General Psychology (5 units)
SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology (5 units)
or SOC 1H Honors Introduction to Sociology (5 units)

Control Information:
2020-2021 | Status: Approved | Modified: 2020-05-14 16:14:53 | Dept Code: COMM
