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Robert Pierce

History 17A Second Essay -- Summer session

Part One--50%
You will be asked to answer one of the following:

  1. Arrogance and ignorance may be called the twin causes of the American Revolution. Trace and discuss the ways in which the British lost their American colonies.
  2. Although a seeming lull in the dispute between Great Britain and the colonies occurred between 1770 and 1773, the groundwork was laid for the shift from resistance to outright rebellion. Explain what these developments were and how they fit into the anti-British conspiracy theory. What prompted the shift to independence by 1776?
  3. Compare the origins and results of the Albany Congress, the Stamp Act Congress, and the First Continental Congress.
Part Two--50%

You will be asked to Identify and give the significance of four of the following:

  1. Saratoga
  2. Articles of Confederation
  3. Battle of Quebec
  4. Proclamation of 1763
  5. Great Awakening
  6. Charles Townshend
  7. Quebec Act
  8. Common Sense
  9. Fort Duquesne
  10. General Burgoyne
  11. Northwest Ordinance of 1786
  12. Sam Adams
  13. Courts of Admiralty
  14. Stamp Act Congress
  15. Intolerable Acts
  16. Shays' Rebellion

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